Some things never change. You could replace the video footage with any other Mac release and it would make sense (aside from the specifications.) Jony Ive has a pretty darn consistent approach to design, which is a big reason that Apple is successful. In case you were unaware, this video was created in 1997.
OS X Daily discovered this old school video showcasing the limited addition 20th Anniversary Mac. This machine isn’t very impressive now, but back in the day it was one of the best personal computers money could buy.
For those who don’t know, the 20th Anniversary Mac was a limited edition Mac priced at a whopping $7499. It was one of the first all-in-one computers to have an LCD display, and at the time was about as cool as a computer could be. Looking back, it’s easy to see how the design and thought of the 20th Anniversary Mac influenced the design of future Macs, especially iMacs.
Seems kind of expensive for a Mac right? Hah, and you thought Macs were expensive now, this thing was the price of a new car. If you really think about it, this Mac definitely paved the way for the Macs we know and love today.
Source: OS X Daily via MacRumors