

I know what you thinking, Macs can't get viruses right? Well, while mostly that's true, there have been a few over time that have slipped through the cracks. This latest Trojan really took the world by storm. Literally. According to AppleInsider, A trojan horse virus named "Flashback" that surfaced last year is believed to have created a botnet including more than 600,000 infected Macs around the world, with more than half of them in the U.S. alone.

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What a great moment in time. The Macintosh 128K computer was a masterpiece of a computer. Released by Apple back in 1984, this computer changed the world. And is subsequently, a big reason why we have the Apple we know and love today. What would it have been like to be the original purchaser and unbox one of these magnificent computers? Since the blogosphere didn't exist back in 1984, we only have more recent photos to document such a memorable moment. Get ready for the digital unboxing on a lifetime! (makes me drool a bit)

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