

I know what you thinking, Macs can't get viruses right? Well, while mostly that's true, there have been a few over time that have slipped through the cracks. This latest Trojan really took the world by storm. Literally. According to AppleInsider, A trojan horse virus named "Flashback" that surfaced last year is believed to have created a botnet including more than 600,000 infected Macs around the world, with more than half of them in the U.S. alone.

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Last year when Lion was released, several astronomers brought up the fact that Apple had modified an existing galaxy to make their "cool" Lion wallpaper. The Andromeda Galaxy was modified and later used as OS X Lion’s default wallpaper for the 2011 software release. Apple Photoshopped some stars and put their own artistic flair on an already existing galaxy, talk about science fiction... And it looks like this year's update is no different.

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