iOS Tutorials, iPhone, iPhone, News
Tired of looking at Newsstand wasting space on your home screen? Why not put it to some use? Well, there's a new little trick that will allow you to use Newsstand as a fully functional folder with unlimited app storage.
Last night Apple aired a brand new ad for the new third generation iPad titled, "Do It All." The new ad shows the iPad, well, doing it all. It's pretty simple but I always love watching Apple ads. Doesn't it just make you want to buy something from them??
App News, Apple, iPad, iPhone
Newsstand is a fairly new addition to iOS. This new app/folder was implemented in iOS 5 when it was released back in October 2011. For me personally I never had much use for Newsstand. The iOS only feature allows users ...
iOS Tutorials, iPhone, iPod
Okay guys I know you’ve noticed the new NewsStand app right? Well personally I wont ever use it, as I do most of my reading online. Well here is a solution for everyone that doen’t want that icon taking up ...