ABC Nightline Aired a special last night about the work conditions of FoxConn in Schenzen, China, which is where Apple has their “iDevices” manufactured, including the upcoming iPad 3. It’s pretty interesting.
This is the first time a reporter has EVER been allowed inside the factory and get a first hand look at the inner-workings of this giant tech industry factory. FoxConn makes tech products for some of the worlds largest companies. Recently Apple was criticized about the working conditions of the FoxConn employees who manufacture their devices.
Check out the video below.
If you want to know some intriguing information about the FoxConn workers and Apples manufacturing process check out these interesting facts courtesy of The Verge:
- It takes 141 steps to make an iPhone, and the devices are essentially all handmade
- It takes five days and 325 hands to make a single iPad
- Foxconn produces 300k iPad camera modules per day
- Foxconn workers pay for their own food — about $.70 per meal, and work 12 hour shifts
- Workers who live in the dorms sleep six to eight a room, and pay $17.50 a month to do so
- Workers make $1.78 an hour
- New employees at Foxconn undergo three days of training and “team building” exercises before they begin
- The FLA (which Apple brought in to audit Foxconn) is interested in whether or not workers will look up at visitors in a factory — if they’ll be “willing to look at curiosities”
- Apple paid $250,000 to join the FLA, and is paying for its audit
- Louis Woo, when asked if he would accept Apple demanding double pay for employees replied “Why not?”
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