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How-To, iPhone
Apple recently released iOS 8.1 and with that added Apple Pay. This is a brand new payment platform that will allow you to make payments at supported retailers and online store apps using nothing but an iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. It's nothing revolutionary, but Apple is striving to make it a payment standard and has over 500 banks on board with a growing list of retailers. If you've just updated to iOS 8.1 and would like to set up Apple Pay, we've put together a nice tutorial to help walk you through the process.
Apple Products, iPhone
Having trouble choosing between the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, and iPhone 5s? They are all great devices, but having all of the details will make your decision ten times easier. In the above video, I compare Apple's latest and great iPhone 6 and 6 Plus with the year old iPhone 5s. Which one is right for you?
Apple News, How-To, iPad, iPhone, iPhone
Thanks to a glitch in iOS 7.1, we now have the ability to nest folders. This glitch was available in previous versions of iOS 7, but luckily it slipped through the cracks. Apple patched the last working method for nesting folders, so I don't expect this one to last through another update.
Android, Google, How-To
Remember the awesome Google Now launcher that came with the Nexus 5? Well ,the good news is, Google just published it on the Google Play Store. Ready for the bad new? It's only available for Nexus devices or Google Play Edition devices. Fortunately, there's an alternative method(s) to install this launcher on almost any Android device.
Apple News, Cydia Tweaks, How-To, Jailbreak
Looking for the best paid jailbreak tweaks released in January 2014? Well, look no further than this article. Today we're checking out the best of the best in Cydia. Check out the video overview above for a look at my favorite paid tweaks.
Cydia Tweaks, Jailbreak, News
Looking for some great tweaks? I've put together a list of 10 great jailbreak tweaks that you can download for free. That's right, free. These tweaks will help you get the most out of iOS 7 and are available in the default Cydia repositories. Check out the video overview above.
Apple News, Cydia Tweaks, How-To, Jailbreak
Good news! Mobile Substrate has been updated to fully support iOS 7 and Apple's latest 64-bit devices. The bad news is, developers are going to have to update each tweak with 64-bit support. Luckily, there are some tweaks that are compatible right now. Check out the video above for a full overview.