iPhone How-to’s. Learn how to use every aspect of your iPhone

How-To, iPhone
Apple recently released iOS 8.1 and with that added Apple Pay. This is a brand new payment platform that will allow you to make payments at supported retailers and online store apps using nothing but an iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. It's nothing revolutionary, but Apple is striving to make it a payment standard and has over 500 banks on board with a growing list of retailers. If you've just updated to iOS 8.1 and would like to set up Apple Pay, we've put together a nice tutorial to help walk you through the process.
Apple Products, iPhone
Having trouble choosing between the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, and iPhone 5s? They are all great devices, but having all of the details will make your decision ten times easier. In the above video, I compare Apple's latest and great iPhone 6 and 6 Plus with the year old iPhone 5s. Which one is right for you?
Apple News, How-To, iPad, iPhone, iPhone
Thanks to a glitch in iOS 7.1, we now have the ability to nest folders. This glitch was available in previous versions of iOS 7, but luckily it slipped through the cracks. Apple patched the last working method for nesting folders, so I don't expect this one to last through another update.
Apple News, How-To, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Jailbreak
Would you like to get a little more out of your jailbroken iOS 7 device? Well, there's a neat little trick that will allow you to enabled Apple's hidden prototype settings or Springboard settings on any iOS 7 device.
Apple News, How-To, iPhone, Jailbreak, Jailbreak News
The Evad3rs have released the iOS 7 untethered jailbreak. This jailbreak is compatible with all devices running iOS 7, but at the moment there are a few limitations due to Mobile Substrate not being ready for iOS 7. You may be better off waiting until everything is up to date, but if you are impatient, check out my video tutorial to see the entire process.
iOS Tutorials, iPad, iPad, iPhone, iPhone, iPod, iPod touch, News
Today, I'm going to show you how to hide any app in iOS 7. Unfortunately, Apple doesn't allow us to delete any of the useless stock apps in iOS, but thanks to this awesome glitch, we can hide all of them. Check out the video tutorial above.
How-To, iOS Tutorials, iPad, iPhone, iPod, News
I recently discovered this cool little glitch that allows you to add spaces between apps on the home screen. Check out the video above. For a full overview, be sure to visit my article over at AppAdvice.com.
Apple News, iOS Tutorials, iPhone, iPhone
There has been a lot of tweaks lately for devices without a jailbreak. It seems that since there's no jailbreak for iOS 6 available, people have taken iOS customization to a new level by figuring out clever hacks. NoAppStatus is the latest addition to these hacks and it's available now.