Why was Flappy Bird removed from the App Store and Google Play Store? Well, we may never know the real answer to that question, but it's sure fun to speculate. Join us as we discuss the rise and fall of Flappy Bird.
I've had Google Glass for over 24 hours now and I thought it would be fitting to discuss our thoughts on this new device. While Glass isn't available to the public yet, it's created a lot of public buzz. Whether people are concerned with privacy, functionality, or just simply battery life, one thing is for sure, Google Glass is coming. Are you ready?
After spending the weekend with Sony's new PlayStation 4, we though it would be fun to talk about our initial impressions. First of all, this is a snappy console. The graphics are great and everything just seems super smooth. Along with that PSN is actually an enjoyable experience.
Now that we've finally had a chance to get hands-on with Apple's new iPad Air, what's the verdict? Well that answer will have to wait until my full review, but I can tell you that this is (obviously) the best iPad yet. Aside from the obviously Apple refresh specs, the "full size" iPad looks great as an iPad mini clone. The new design is sleek and super thin. Check out this week's podcast to find out what we think about Apple's iPad Air.
Guess what? New iPads are right around the corner. That's right, Apple's iPad event is coming up on Oct. 22, 2013 and we're very excited. It's very possible that preorders will begin on Friday Oct. 25, 2013, so get your credit/debit cards ready. Take a listen to our podcast for all of the info about Apple's upcoming releases.
Anthony was out sick this week so I decided to use the extra time and have a live Q&A session. The session was originally streamed live on YouTube on Oct. 13, 2013. Take a listen and learn a little more about what we do. Thanks for the support!
It's almost time for new iPads, and today, we're talking all about them. What do you think Apple's new iPad 5 and iPad mini 2 should feature? Check out our video podcast above or listen to the audio version below for our thoughts and opinions. One thing is for sure, Apple fails to disappoint.
On Sept. 4, 2013, Samsung unveiled its new Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch. In my opinion, this anticipated device is very underwhelming, but at the same time, raises the bar even more for Apple's rumored iWatch. I say this because people will now expect even more from Apple's rumored smartwatch, but will they be able to please the masses?