App News

Algoriddim, creators of the widely popular djay App for iOS and Mac has just released their newest addition to the music mixing/DJ community! The new vjay app is a different spin on mixing. Pun intended…

Similar to how djay works, vjay allows you to mix/fade between two video clips and apply real time effects to the output. Due to the heavy processing required to decode and mix two video streams, the app only works on the iPad 2 or the new iPad.

Video clips can be full music videos, such as those downloaded from the iTunes store, or they can be your own personal video clips. Audio can either be the original video audio or intermingled with songs your own music library. Both video and audio tracks can be swapped out independently at any time.

The apps main purpose is to add the same (and more) functionality that djay brought us, but with an entirely different twist. Using video, you can now make astonishing mashups of your favorite songs in real time! Check out the video above for more details.

You can pick up this new amazing app in the App Store for a limited time price of $9.99!

Stay tuned for our official review!