Apple TV, iPad

The Apple TV J33 model, MD199LL/A – J33 BEST -USA will be released tomorrow alongside the third generation iPad. (iPad 3, we hope…)

According to 9to5mac the new Apple TV will remain at the same price point but offer some pretty enticing new features. Apple TV 3 is expected to have a Bluetooth 4.0 Broadcom Chip and better processing power for some snazzy 1080p HD output action! One big rumor floating around is that the new Apple TV 3 will include an App Store and have some powerful gaming capabilities.

Another item on the plate is that Apple’s expected to replace their current AppleCare for iPad’s with a new and improved AppleCare + for iPad. While we’re not sure exactly what this new protection plan supposed to be priced at $99 will include, MacRumors brings an aspect of confirmation to the scenario.

Apple appears to be making a similar transition for the iPad with tomorrow’s introduction of the iPad 3, rolling out a $99 AppleCare+ for iPad warranty that would replace the current $79 standard AppleCare package.

AppleCare + is rumored to include Accidental Damage coverage with a $49 deductible. This is a great addition in my opinion as the iPad has become a mainstream tool for people of all ages. Accidental coverage is a MUST!

One other “less than noteworthy” item that has populated speculation and recent rumors is a mystery accessory part labeled as nothing but “B82”. This mystery part is set at a price of $39 and seems to have relation with Apple TV 3, though we’re not 100% sure.

While we all have our own predictions, we will find out everything tomorrow during the iPad Media Event set to happen at 10AM PST.

Stay tuned here for our live-blog coverage on everything happening at the event!

Source: 9to5mac