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Rovio is at it again. A new Angry Birds game is set to be released on Nov. 8, 2012. This one has a twist though … it’s Star Wars themed. Make sure you check out the video above and let me know what you think about it.

Here’s Rovio on the new game:

“This is the best Angry Birds game we’ve ever done. It’s the best parts of Angry Birds with all new cutting-edge gameplay set in in a galaxy far, far away,” said Peter Vesterbacka, the Mighty Eagle and CMO of Rovio. “As a big Star Wars fan myself, I’m really excited about this new universe. The Force is definitely strong with this one.”

You’ll be able to use the force in this new game on Nov. 8th, 2012! I’m kind of excited, but the other half of me thinks that this will just be Angry Birds Space with Star Wars graphics. No word on pricing yet.

What do you think of Angry Birds Star Wars?

Source: Rovio