iPhone, News

Anyone excited for the iPhone event next week? If you’re an over obsessive Apple fan like myself, you’ll be happy to hear that Apple has already started prepping for the event. It’s about time right?

9to5Mac has the scoop:

Thanks to reader Andrew Stern, we’ve got some photos that indicate Apple is already preparing San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Center for its September 12th iPhone 5 media event. While it appears that the exterior banners will be going up tomorrow (based on Cherry Pickers being prepped outside the front), Apple has already put up its logos inside of Yerba Buena.

I wonder why we get so excited about an Apple logo inside of a building. If you walk into any Apple Store, you’ll see the exact same thing. In my opinion, it builds up the hype. We all knew they would eventually prep for the event, it’s just really happening now.

I can’t wait for the new iPhone. Check out the gallery below.

Source: 9to5Mac