Apple, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch

Apple Increases App Download Limit to 50MB – iOS 5.1

So I’m sure many of you know about the download limitations we have been faced with while downloading apps via 3G. Well along with the new iOS 5.1 OTA update, Apple has increased this size to 50MB! This is pretty awesome as they have now doubled the size form the previous 20MB download size.


This may not have been a big issue to Jailbroken devices that use 3G Unrestrictor, but for the rest of iPhone users you can now put on a smile knowing that your download limit has been increased!

While we’re on the same topic, this same download limit also applies to movies and music downloaded through iTunes. And in case you were unaware, iTunes 10.6 is due to launch this afternoon/evening so stay tuned for an update to your iTunes software as well. iTunes 10.6 is said to provide support for Apple’s new iOS 5.1 which is available for download/upgrade now!

Are you going to update to iOS 5.1?

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