App News, Apple, Apple News

As many of you probably already know the iTunes Apps store is probably the worst experience you can have using an Apple product.  It’s super slow, and it’s usually stuffed with scam software and other B.S.  Well it seems that Apple is now taking steps towards improving the App Store experience and functionality with their recent acquisition of app search specialist Chomp.

According to MG Seigler of Tech Crunch…

  This is not a cheap “acqui-hire”, Apple has bought in the Chomp team and technology and plans to use both to completely revamp App Store search and recommendations.

9to5mac reports that Chomp CEO Ben Keighran is already working with Apple as part of the senior iTunes marketing team and CTO Cathy Edwards is working as a senior iTunes engineer.   Chomp currently offers iPhone, iPad, and Android search tools and also currently powers Verizon’s Android app search.  Most likely Chomp’s relationship with Verizon will end once the rest of the Chomp team moves over to Apple.

While the Apple App Store leads the industry in actual app downloads, actually navigating through those apps has become increasingly difficult for users.  With 500,000 apps in the app store new developers are literally a small fish in a ginormous ocean.  The only way that most developers can get recognized by potential customers now is if they are hand selected by the Apple team.

What do you think the Chomp team and Apple should do first to improve users experience on the App Store?