
Apple Releases Second Java Update for OS X to Fight Trojan

Just yesterday we told you about the Flashback Trojan that had infected 600K Macs across the World. Apple had pushed out an update to try to patch some of the security vulnerabilities within Java. Well today, one more update has been released and is ready for your downloading pleasure. The update helps patch a little more which should help you steer clear of this nasty Backdoor Trojan.

Just click on your Apple in the top right corner of your Mac, and click Software Update.

Run any updates available.

Make sure you keep updated with Java and all your other OS X software to try and avoid something like this happening. It’s highly unlikely for your Mac to get a virus but staying updated will help ensure you and your Mac are safe!

For a list of symptoms and to make sure you don’t have the Flashback Trojan click here.

Also to help fight off malware and other viruses in the future, I highly recommend MacKeeper. It’s a 16-in-1 bundle to help secure your Mac. Check it out here.

Were you infected by the Trojan?

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