
Apple Store Down for Updates, Possibly Refreshed Look?

Apple had recently announced their intent to refresh the buying experience for businesses and education institutes, but we haven’t expected anything to happen with the public store…

Well as of tonight, the Apple Store is down. This could just mean the “regular” store maintenance, but we also could see a new refreshed look as early as tomorrow. I think it’s highly unlikely but it’s always a possibility…

It’s also important to note that this isn’t Apple’s usual “We’ll be Back” notice. It usually looks like the one below. Could this mean Apple’s refreshing for a cleaner, linen-styled look for the Apple Store?

If you remember, Apple took the online store down for a while, the day of the iPad keynote to refresh images of the new iPad and setup the pre-order system. While I highly doubt they are secretly launching a new product behind our back, I’m a wishful thinker.

We’ll keep you posted if anything interesting pops up whenever the store comes back online.

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