Apple TV, News

Apple has just released software version 5.0.2 for Apple TV 2 and 3. If you wish to keep any existing jailbreak you may have on your Apple TV 2, or retain the ability to jailbreak your Apple TV 3 at some point (hopefully), skip this update.

Otherwise read on…

The Apple TV Software Update 5.0.2, build number 9B830 is now available.

To update your Apple TV, go to Settings >; General >; Update Software.

Apple has yet to update their software page with details on this recent and sudden update. The last update to Apple Tv’s software happened just a month ago.

Like I said if you’re already jailbroken on your Apple TV 2, updating to this release will more than likely prevent you from re-jailbreaking it in the near or distant future. Wait until further word comes from FirCore on an updated Seas0nPass jailbreak tool.

Check back soon for details…

Update #1: 9to5Mac points out that MobileMe is still present on the latest Apple TV update. This feature is expected to discontinue by the end of the month. There isn’t any significant updates to the software as of now. WWDC may bring more news on future Apple TV updates. More as we hear it…

Update #2: Good News! According to recent updates we’ve heard via Twitter, the latest update to the Apple TV software is still vulnerable to the latest untethered jailbreak.