Apple, News

Apple has released a new Java update that will effectively remove the Flashback Trojan we’ve been warning you about. This update is available now through Software Update for all Macs Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion. Download it Now by clicking on the Apple in the top left corner of your Mac and clicking software update!

This Java security update removes the most common variants of the Flashback malware.

This update also configures the Java web plug-in to disable the automatic execution of Java applets. Users may re-enable automatic execution of Java applets using the Java Preferences application. If the Java web plug-in detects that no applets have been run for an extended period of time it will again disable Java applets.

This update is recommended for all Mac users with Java installed.

Apple had recently said they were working on a tool to remove the Trojan and it’s finally here!This update is pretty large, about 70MB so set aside some time to successfully update your computer.

Did you get infected?