So you just got your new iPad and your looking for some great apps? While there aren’t a whole lot of them available right now, you can sleep easy knowing everyone and their mom will be making iPad Retina apps. This isn’t something that will go overlooked.
As we saw at the Apple Keynote, there are some pretty intense graphics on the new iPad. Apple demoed Sky Gamblers, which i have to say looks amazing on the iPhone 4S as well.
But just in case you are finally getting home from whatever line you stood in and looking for some beautiful Retina Apps, Here’s a pretty good list for starters:
- ABC Player
- AIM for iPad
- Another Monster at the End of This Book
- Art Authority
- Barefoot World Atlas
- Calcbot
- The Daily
- Day One
- Diamond Dash
- The Early Edition 2
- Evernote
- Flight Control Rocket
- Foosball HD
- Incredibooth
- Infinity Blade II
- iStopMotion for iPad
- Joining Hands
- Kindle
- Labyrinth 2 HD
- Martha Stewart Cookies
- Mass Effect Infiltrator
- Mint
- MLS MatchDay 2012
- Modern Combat 3
- NYTimes for iPad
- Order & Chaos Online
- Quotes Folder
- Readability
- Real Racing 2 HD
- Redfin
- Reeder for iPad
- SketchBook Pro for iPad
- Sky Gamblers: Air Supremacy
- Solar Walk
- Soundcloud
- Star Walk for iPad
- StockTouch
- TouchGrind BMX
- Tweetbot for iPad
- Twitterrific
Which apps will you download first?
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