
Apple’s CEO Tim Cook was the highest paid CEO for 2011. Reported by the New York Times [via Bloomberg], the data from research firm Equilar tracked Tim’s money flow for 2011….

Tim Cook made approximately $378 million. WOA…. That’s stupid money. Can you even fathom being that rich? All this money came from different sources including, salary, perks, and bonuses of around $1.8 million. Tim was also given a one-time stock grant of $376.2 million that vests in 2016 and 2021.

So between now and 2021, Tim will make the rest of that 376 million in addition to his regular pay. Keep up the good work Tim! Those numbers are crazy! According to Fortune’s Philip Elmer-DeWitt, that works out to be a whopping $103,000 a day! That’s insane.

Tim’s not the only loaded CEO. According to 9to5mac,

Following closely behind Cook is Oracle’s Larry Ellison with $77.6 million and former Apple exec Ron Johnson earning $53.3 million at his new role at J.C. Penney Co.

I had no clue J.C. Penny was that big… But it looks like Tim beats them by a long-shot. Apple had a great 2011! Since Tim took the CEO spot, Apple’s stock has risen from $375 a share to over $600! Even beating out Google in price per share! Apple is currently the most valuable company with the highest market cap! Go Apple!

I think Tim is doing a great job running the show, and Apple shows no sign of stopping any time soon.

Do you like Tim Cook?