iPhone, News

Black iPhone 5 All Scuffed Up? Polish It!

It’s no surprise by now that the black iPhone 5 shows blemishes and scratches ten times more than it’s silver brother. While some received their iPhone 5 with scuff marks, others have racked up a good scuff tally in just the past couple of months. Sick of your scuff marks? This guy has an interesting solution to the issue. Scuff it more!

MacRumors forum member Travis Hansen decided to take the scuff marksĀ  into his own hands. After being denied a replacement from Apple, he decided to scuff-off all of the black on his iPhone 5’s chamfered edge. The result looks pretty nice. Now he has a custom finish iPhone 5 and won’t have to worry about future scuffs.

Check out his video below:

Source: MacRumors Forum via iDownloadBlog

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