Apple, Apple News, iPad

Buy The iPad 2 for $399 Now

One of the biggest pieces of news from Apple’s media event had nothing to do with the iPad 3. (which is actually called “The New iPad”, Apple didn’t give an actual model number on the new tablet)  It actually had to do with the iPad 2 which you can now purchase for a steal at $399!


Usually Apple wipes the old model off the shelves once they announce their next generation device.  But now for the first time they are allowing customers to purchase the previous model at a discounted price from their store.  This marks a new precedent and is significant for two reasons…

The first is that it makes it easier for schools to purchase iPads for their students and the second reason is it allows lower income consumers to join the Apple revolution.

The only catch is that the iPad 2 16GB model will be available for purchase in the Apple store, but still it’s a huge move in the right direction towards making the iPad more accessible to more people.

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