Apple, iPhone

Cellhelmet is back with another guaranteed level of protection. This time it’s available for more than just the iPhone…

The new cellhelmet screen protectors do what any other won’t. If your devices screen is scratched using one of their screen protectors, they will replace the glass no questions asked. Seriously!

Welcome cellhelmet™ Screen Protectors – the next generation of guaranteed protection.  Simply put, if you get a scratch in your glass, through a cellhelmet™ Screen Protector – we’ll replace it (the glass, that is).  Guaranteed.

It’s a pretty awesome idea actually. Similar to the cellhelmet case for iPhone (which also guarantees your device), the new protectors will give you better piece of mind when handling your device. The best part is, they’re available for more than just the iPhone.

I’m not usually one to promote other brands, but cellhelmet is going all out on this one. There’s a huge list of other devices (including the new iPhone and the rumored iPad mini) the new screen protectors will be available for on their Indiegogo funding page.

If your screen is scratched through one of their cellhelmet screen protectors you’ll have to file a claim and send in your device, but at only $25 to $35 a claim it’s way less than an actual repair shop would ask for. Better yet, you can file a claim 24 hours a day!

According to the terms:

Simply send in your device and it will be repaired within 3 business days, after which it will be overnighted back to your address, at our expense.

Pretty great right?

Speaking of Indiegogo, did I mention that the cellhelmet screen protectors need your help? Right now you can opt-in to purchase an early bird set of cellhelmet screen protectors and help bring this product to life. For $12 you can get three of these bad boys that will normally retail for $20-30 a piece.

I highly recommend backing this project. These guys are great and they make great products. Check out my review on the Cellhelmet case.

For more information on cellhelmet screen protectors, check out their Indiegogo page.

Source: Indiegogo