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[Concept] iSiri Smartwatch Is The Next Device I’d Like Apple To Create

[Concept] iSiri Smartwatch Is The Next Device I’d Like Apple To Create

The iPod nano watch was recently killed off by Apple when the seventh generation iPod nano was introduced. Did Apple get rid of the iPod nano’s watch-like form factor in order to develop a watch of their own? While there’s no rumors or evidence pointing towards such a device, I’d love to see something exactly like this concept.

Created by Federico Ciccarese, this concept could definitely take iOS devices to another level. Imaging all of the interactions possible with something like this. While the concept video doesn’t exactly explain what iSiri Smartwatch would do, I’ve got a couple of good ideas for it myself.

What do you think iSiri Smartwatch would do?


Source: Ciccaresedesign

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