iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Jailbreak News

Absinthe 2.0 was just released this morning and it’s easier than ever to jailbreak a device. That being said thousands of people are attempting to access Cydia at once. If you’re missing sources like the screenshot above, don’t worry and give it some time to recover from the spike in traffic…

If you’re having trouble refreshing your sources or finding any packages in Cydia, be patient. The servers are taking quite a massive hit today because of the ease of Absinthe 2.0 and all the new happy members of the jailbreak community. Think about how many people bought a new iPad, iPhone, or iPod. There’s quite a bit of those same people who are jailbreaking their device right now, just like you.

If your having any trouble “Refreshing sources” or even accessing anything in Cydia for that matter, don’t give up, keep trying. Eventually it will catch up with everyone. I had to same issue, but after a few attempts and some nail-biting patience, I was able to get in Cydia and download all my packages.

Before you know it, you’ll be modding your device…

Are you having Cydia issues?

Source: Cult of Mac