
Deployed Military Personnel Getting iPhones Unlocked From AT&T

This Sunday AT&T started unlocking out-of-contract iPhones for qualifying customers. The process happens through iTunes with a special code once AT&T has initiated the process. This allows customers to take their iPhone to a different carrier without having to rely on a Jailbreak unlock or a third part SIM mod.

Currently carriers are required by law to suspend cellular service for any military personnel without any fees or penalties upon deployment.

Well it looks like soldiers now have one more option…

According to MacRumors, AT&T is apparently unlocking iPhones for deployed military personnel as well! Something they definitely didn’t have to do, but we think it’s pretty cool they are. If your willing to die for your country, why should you be restricted to a locked down iPhone?

AT&T declined to make a statement on the situation, but MacRumors has actually independently verified this and says the process for military personnel gets a green light as well.

Do you know anyone who needs an unlocked iPhone?

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