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Digital Rights Management System For iBooks Cracked

Apple released its FairPlay Digital Rights Management (DRM) system for music back in 2009, but the remaining segments of iTunes  – apps, videos, and iBooks – still employ versions of the original copy-protection structure.  There have been ways to bypass the first two (apps and videos) for some time, and now it appears that Apple’s (DRM) for iBooks has been cracked, which will allow iBooks to work on non-iOS epub readers.

According to MobileReadForums:

It is now possible to remove the DRM from epub ebooks bought in Apple’s iBooks store. “Brahms”, has recently released a new version, 3.3, of his Requiem software, which has been able to remove DRM from music and videos bought in the iTunes Music Store for a long time. This new version can also remove the DRM from Apple’s epub format ebooks.

The developers of Requiem have already established a cat and mouse relationship with Apple due to the (DRM) stripping app they developed, which prompted Apple to create updates to disable the app from working, only to be followed by additional updates to Requiem and so on and so forth.

The concept of (DRM) is a good thing.  It protects authors, developers and producers from illegal distribution of their content.  (everyone wants and should get paid for their hard work)  However, when it is poorly planned out and overly integrated it can prevent honest customers from enjoying the content they purchased.

Nevertheless don’t be surprised to see a new update on iTunes in response to the new version of Requiem.

How do you feel about Apple’s Digital Rights Management System?

Source: MobileRead Forums

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