News, Podcast

So the new iPad has finally been announced and will be released on March 16th, 2012. We bantered back and forth about the great new features including a Retina Display, 4G LTE, a faster processor, and tons more! iOS takes a dump on time screwing with hundreds of iOS clocks around the Country from the DST switch. Everything about this podcast is iPad! So if you don’t like laughter, iPads, and Arnold (The Govenator), don’t listen to this Podcast.

Fox News TOTALLY fails on live TV! Plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t get an LTE iPad and hold out for an LTE iPhone. We also talk about the new Angry Birds Space game due out March 22nd, and how our lovely tax dollars pay for NASA astronauts to demo the physics behind the game.

Speaking of iPad, the new iPad takes some AWESOME pictures. For laughter, Apple news, and more subscribe to The “A” Word.

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We have also created a “Call-in” Line for you as readers to call in and ask various questions you want answered about Apple, related products or us!

Please feel free to call and leave a Voicemail at 1-609-3-MACMIX.

We will be airing selected voice mails and answering your questions directly.

Furthermore, you can also tune-in LIVE, yea that’s right live! Via iTunes or iPhone/Android.

If you would like to listen live (Sunday Nights at 8PM PST) you can do so by clicking the link below in your web browser or on your iPhone.

The “A” Word – LIVE

For Android users the process is a bit more complex as you have to download an App called “Just Playlists” and open the stream URL within that App to listen.

Anyone with a Mac or iPhone should be able to just click on the link. Mac users you may be prompted to save/open the file, in which you can just open it up in iTunes to connect!