App News, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch

Facebook Launches New Photo Sharing App: Facebook Camera (or Instagram Clone)

Strangely enough just months after Facebook’s ginormous Instagram acquisition the social network releases their own photo sharing app. I know right?? Doesn’t make sense…

Well let’s just grab a gun and shoot ourselves in the foot. Maybe that’s what Mark Zuckerberg is thinking. Well either way in case you’re interesting in adding yet another Facebook app to your iOS collection, go check out Facebook Camera. It’s available now on the App Store.

With Facebook camera you can snap pictures and add Instagram style filters to them to share with your buddies on Facebook. Shocking right? You can also upload 2048 x 2048 images with this new app.

In my opinion it would have been better for Facebook to mash up their app collection into one. They already have the Facebook app, and the Messenger app. Doesn’t the Facebook app already have a messenger in it? Furthermore, aren’t you already able to upload pictures from the Facebook app?

I’ll give them credit to the fact that Instagram doesn’t cater to the 900 million users on Facebook (only a pathetic 40 million Instagramers’…), but come on do we really need another app? Maybe it’s cool, I’m not sure yet because honestly I haven’t downloaded it.

Let me know if you get a chance to check it out.

Source: The New York Times

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