Cydia Tweaks, News, Tech / Repairs

[How To] Fix A Yellow Tinted Screen On An iPhone

I was recently faced with a horrid issue. I was sent out a replacement iPhone 4S from Verizon and it had an ugly yellow tint to the screen. Needless to say, I wasn’t happy. Luckily there’s a solution in Cydia

You have a couple options when faced with this dilemma. You can either have your carrier send you another iPhone or demand an Apple Store replace it, but nothing will guarantee you’ll have a better screen the next time around.

It’s quite possible you’ll get a replacement that has the same yellow or sometimes bluish tint to the screen. I personally prefer a blue tint over yellow but whatever your preferred flavor may be, this Cydia Tweak is certain to help you out!

Check out the video.

Color Profiles will allow you to calibrate your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch screen. It works pretty darn well, and the results were very impressive. Ryan Petrich developed this little tweak and it’s available in the BigBoss repo for $1.99.

I certainly don’t think this is acceptable that we must turn to Cydia tweaks to fix a manufacturer defect but truth is, not every iPhone screen is going to be identical. That being said, you can calibrate your screen to whatever you’re happy with.

There’s also some pretty neat profiles available to spice up your iPhone a bit…

What do you think about Color Profiles?

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