App News, Apple, Apple News

[Giveaway] Win a $10,000 App Store Gift Card from Apple for 25 Billion App Downloads!

According to Apple’s website, they are nearing 25 Billion App Downloads.

In response to their massive App Store success, they are giving away a $10,000 Gift Card for the App Store to the lucky person who downloads the 25th Billion App. This is pretty exciting as that would probably last you a lifetime worth of App downloading! This massive giveaway is nearing the 25 Billion mark so go download an App today! Just think, you could download Angry Birds or Air Penguin and win a $10,000 gift card for doing so! The

Here’s what Apple has to say about the giveaway

As of today, nearly 25 billion apps have been downloaded worldwide. Which is almost as amazing as the apps themselves. So we want to say thanks. Download the 25 billionth app, and you could win a US$10,000 App Store Gift Card. Just visit the App Store and download your best app yet.

You can check out all this information about the giveaway by visiting Apple’s website at the link below! You can also enter the giveaway without purchase or download by using this form

Countdown to 25 Billion Apps

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