iPad, iPhone, News

Apple probably makes some of the best products on the planet. Everyone wants an Apple device, but truth is, selling great products isn’t cheap…

Today during the Apple vs. Samsung trial, Phil Schiller revealed some insanely expensive marketing tactics. Phil said that since all of the iPhone and iPad launches, Apple has spent over $1 billion marketing the products.

Covering the trial for Wired, Christina Bonnington tweeted:

Apple has spent over $647M for iPhone advertising expenditures since its launch. $457M for iPad.

To better understand these numbers, AllThingsD did a fiscal year breakdown:

In fiscal 2008, the company spent $97.5 million on iPhone ads in the U.S. alone. That figure climbed to $149.6 million in 2009 and reached $173.3 million for all of fiscal 2010. On the iPad, the company spent $173.3 million in 2010.

That’s a lot of money just spent on advertising. Doesn’t it make you wonder how many iPhones or iPads Apple would have sold using half that amount? Apple’s genius marketing has a lot to do with how much they push it, and obviously that’s not cheap.

Source: Cult of Mac