Apple, iPhone, iPod touch, News

Hide Stock iOS Apps With PassHack For Passbook

Have you ever wanted to get rid of Newsstand or the Stocks app? These built-in iOS apps are kind of annoying and since there’s no way to delete them, you’re stuck with them consuming space on your home screen. The good news is, if you’re on iOS 6, there’s a new “hack” that will allow you to hide any stock iOS apps.

This new little trick called “PassHack,” was developed by RageMasta and myself. All you have to do is add PassHack to your Passbook and follow a few steps. The best part about PassHack is you don’t have to jailbreak your device to use it.

Check out the video below:

If you’d like to install PassHack for Passbook on your device, visit from Safari and tap on “Get PassHack.” Now, tap on the “Add to Passbook” button. You must visit the site through Safari in order for this to work.

Once’ you’ve added the pass, use the “i”  button on the pass to flip it over, select an app from the list of links and tap on “Install.” The app you’ve chosen to hide will turn gray. When the installation fails, tap on “Done,” then put the app into “wiggle mode” and delete it. It’s that simple. The apps will remain hidden until you reboot your iOS device.

Let me know what you think in the comments below! Enjoy!

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