Apple, iPad, iPhone, News

Passbook is one of the many new features coming with iOS 6. The aim here is to store all your passes and coupons in one place, right on your iPhone. Currently Passbook is disabled and non-functional in iOS 6 beta, but some clever folks figured out how to enable it through a Safari hack…

It’s actually pretty simple to get Passbook up and running. Apparently Apple didn’t try to secure the new iOS 6 app very much. All you need is Safari and this little trick to get Passbook working on your iPhone running iOS 6 beta.

Redmond Pie points to a new mobile website that will enable this app for you.

First, open Safari on iOS 6 beta and go to At this website you’ll find various templates for “passes” including boarding passes, store cards, coupons, etc.

Tap on one of the different templates and you’ll be prompted to set up your pass, coupon, or ticket. Enter your relevant information here depending on the template you’ve chosen and then tap the ‘Create’ button.

After tapping ‘Create’ you’ll be presented with a .pkpass file in Safari. Tap on the file and the (almost) fully-functional Passbook app will launch with your created item inside. Now repeat the steps in order to create new passes, as this functionality has not been brought to the app yet.

That’s all there is to  it. It’s not 100% functional as you’ll have to use that website to create new passes, but you can get an idea of how Passbook will work once you have a few setup inside the app.


Source: Redmond Pie