It’s finally here. The Evad3rs have released the iOS 7 untethered jailbreak. This jailbreak is compatible with all devices running iOS 7, but at the moment there are a few limitations due to Mobile Substrate not being ready for iOS 7. You may be better off waiting until everything is up to date, but if you are impatient, check out my video tutorial to see the entire process.
Like I mentioned, Mobile Substrate is totally broken. It kind of works on some devices, but any of Apple’s 64-bit iOS devices are incompatible with Mobile Substrate at the moment. If you have a compatible device (iPhone 5/5c and below), you’ll be able to get mobile substrate up and running out of the box, but there aren’t many tweaks available at the moment.
Everything should be updated to support all iOS devices in the coming weeks, but like I said, you may be better off waiting until that happens. If you’d like to download the jailbreak tool, you can find Evasi0n 7 here on its official website.