App News, Apple, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch

Instagram Rises to Number One on App Store

Photo Credit: SimacH from - Facetagram? InstaBook?

Wait, I thought everyone was rebelling against Instagram? Since the social giant Facebook purchased the “hipster” app, everyone has done nothing but hate on Instagram. Personally I love the app. Regardless of Facebook owning it, Instagram is a great functional app that filled an obvious gap in the social network galaxy.

But it looks like you can’t keep a good app down…

Instagram sits at the number one position in the App Store’s Top 25 Free section. This is the first time Instagram has ever been number one since it’s launch in 2010 despite it’s overwhelming popularity.

But good for them! They got a Billion dollar deal out of a 16 month-old app, and it’s now number one. I wonder if they sold too soon… But hey for $500 million cash, and the rest in Facebook stock, I think they’re going to to just fine…

Do you think the popularity has anything to do with Facebook’s acquisition?

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