Pro Tools

How to Install Pro Tools 9 on Lion 10.7 OSX – Clean Install

Today we are installing Pro Tools 9 on Lion 10.7. This was unsupported until last week when avid announced an update including beta support for Lion. This is a Clean install as recommended by Avid and should get you up and running on your Lion setup in no time. Finally Pro Tools 9 is compatible with Lion. I felt real bad for those who jumped the gun and installed Lion but now that doesn’t seem to be a problem.

Now that you can install Pro Tools 9 on Lion,

Go check out these other Tutorials, CLICK HERE or HERE!.

Lion is an awesome operating system and I am glad that I am also able to have it installed and use it on a daily basis. I did though run into a few plugin compatibility issues with Lion and Pro Tools 9.

But I am sure the developers will have that fixed in no time. Please refer to the ReadMe file on our website for additional help on installing Pro Tools 9 on your Lion Setup. Thank you

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