Apple, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, News

iOS 6 was just announced yesterday and the tech world has been digging deep for new features. Apple didn’t announce every new feature coming to iOS 6 at yesterday’s keynote, but luckily those who has developer access are able to install the iOS 6 beta version

Cult of Mac points to a few new features we missed in our iOS 6 endeavors. They’re not really groundbreaking features, but simple little things to add to existing functionality.

Apple seems to have added additional Emoji icons to iOS 6. I’m not sure exactly how many new icons they’ve added but there’s definitely more there than before. The Emoji keyboard is an additional keyboard that will give you cute little “smiley faces” and other friendly icons you can use in messages, emails, etc…

Another new feature you’ll find is that badges have been added to the Reminders app. This could be pretty beneficial since Reminders is supposed to remind you, and if you’ve missed a reminder how will you remember something you’ve obviously already forgotten. That’s where badges can come into play.

One more small feature is the “new” app banner added to app icons after they’ve been downloaded. This new little banner will let you know that the app is new, and will promptly go away once you have opened the app. Nothing super special here, but it’s details like this that keep me loving Apple.

What do you think of these new features? Anything you’d use? I know the Reminders badges are going to help me out a ton!

Source: Cult of Mac