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iOS 6 Maps Flyover and Turn-By-Turn Features Hacked To Run On An iPhone 4

As many of you may know, Apple’s recent announcement of the new Flyover feature and turn-by-turn navigation in iOS 6 Maps will only be compatible with certain devices. Unfortunately the iPhone 4 isn’t on the compatibility list. Luckily we have developers and hackers to port things over, but you’ll have to speak or understand Russian to do it…

Some would argue that the new 3D Flyover maps require a good/better processor (the A5) then the iPhone 4 has which is an A4 chip. But turn-by-turn not being compatible is completely ridiculous. There’s no reason why my daughters non-smartphone can do turn-by-turn, while an iPhone 4 “isn’t compatible.”

Some Russian hackers have apparently decoded the mystery and were able to port over iOS 6 Maps with a full feature set to an iPhone 4. They even did it without Cydia…

Now before you get excited, there are some issues with this port.

Mind you iOS 6 is still in EARLY beta testing, the turn-by-turn is very sketchy to say the least. It doesn’t function properly but again, this is a port of an app on iOS 6 beta. The hack overall needs some work. But it’s a glimmer of hope for those iPhone 4 users disappointed by Monday’s announcement of the awesome new iOS 6 Maps app.


An instructional for this hack is available on the Russian website iGuides. There’s also the video above showing the hack in action. Knowing the possibilities here, I wouldn’t doubt with an iOS 6 jailbreak and some major refinement, this port could be made available for users of most iOS devices.

If you don’t feel like hacking iOS 6 Maps for your iPhone 4, there’s also a way to check out the new feature right in your computers web browser, without iOS 6!

Do you face this incompatibility issue?

Source: iDB

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