iPhone, News

With the release of iOS 6 beta everyone can’t help but to dig for every new feature, little or big. Cult of Mac points to a couple new features that will be available in iOS 6, one of which I’m going to enjoy very much…

The first little nugget of the bunch is dedicated Apple logos in Spotlight. The reason i say dedicated is because they only appear next to apps created by Apple. This isn’t anything huge or life changing as far as features go, but it’s the attention to detail here that matters.

Apple is slowly refining every little detail in iOS and this change is part of that. This isn’t anything incredibly amazing, but it should help you find Apple apps if you ever search for them in Spotlight.

Next on the list is going to be one of my favorites when iOS 6 is released. Wallpaper previews in the Settings app! Now in iOS 6 when you go to set a wallpaper, you won’t be shown some generic home screen, it’ll have a preview of yours complete with app icons and badges. This way you’ll be able to see exactly what your new wallpaper will look like before it’s set.

None of these features are extremely groundbreaking, but they’re certainly added extras that make iOS 6 just a tad better. I’m sure there is many other undiscovered features on the horizon. Stay tuned…

What do you think?

Source: Cult of Mac