iPhone, News

Rumors of a taller iPhone have circulated for quite some time now. While most all of the leaked pictures and “evidence” support the case for a 4-inch iPhone, there’s no proof it will happen. But now thanks to some crafty coding, Apple may have given us the biggest iPhone 5 hint so far…

Through some testing on Apple’s iOS simulator with iOS 6, 9to5Mac discovered something very interesting. It was discovered that iOS 6 will automatically scale to fit a 1136×640 iPhone display.

9to5Mac reports:

Thanks to some tweaks to the iOS Simulator application that is included in the iOS development tools, we were able to run the simulator at the rumored next-generation iPhone display resolution of 640 x 1136. We did this running both the current public release of iOS 5.1 and the upcoming iOS 6.0 The iOS 5.1 simulator displayed the home screen with a stretched set of four rows of icons. On the other hand, iOS 6 displayed five complete rows – as our sources said Apple was testing for taller iPhone displays.

Don’t believe it? Check it out…

iOS simulator at 1136x640 / five rows of icons on iOS 6 vs. four rows under iOS 5.1

When attempting to set the resolution to anything other than the 1136×640, the simulator did not behave the same. Aside from that, or the standard 960×640 resolution, the software would default to an  “iPad-like home screen layout.”

Is there something special about this magical resolution? Did Apple just leak the biggest detail about the next iPhone to date?

Source: 9to5Mac