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iOS 6: Shared Photo Streams – Video Overview

iOS 6 beta is out now and it’s filled with quite a few new features, one of which is a Shared Photo Streams. Curious to see how it works? We’ve got a nice little video overview for you explaining the new feature…

Shared Photo Streams give you the ability to share sets photos through iCloud with friends and family. The new feature will automatically push photos through to your friends on their iOS device or Mac. The photos are also viewable one the web and Apple TV. It also allows users to leave comments on the individual photos.

Insanely Great Mac put together this nice little video overview to help explain exactly how this new iOS 6 feature will work.

To check this feature out firsthand you can download iOS 6 beta 2 if you’re a developer. If you’re not a developer the new version of iOS is expected to release to the public this fall alongside a brand new iPhone.

What do you think of Shared Photo Streams?

Source: Insanely Great Mac via MacRumors

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