
iPhone 4s or iPhone5? That is the question. Today we will find out exactly what all the hype is about! I can’t say im not dying to know what the new iPhone is going to be… I just hope its not like the “iPad 1.5″(iPad 2). I am so andry that Apple will NOT be streaming this event live. Hey if Steve Jobs were still working the company that wouldn’t fly!! (Or at least we like to think so). So Stay tuned guys because at 10am Pacific time, Apple’s little event will start and we will do anything in our power to provide up-t0-the-minute news (whew that was long!) We hope iPhone 5 will include more music composition features and hopefully not mess up any of the hardware we all have spent so much time developing.

This event is being held at Apple’s Headquarters in Cupertino. And like their review devices, only few selected press members are attending. Tim Cook will be making the glorious announcement. Oh wait, guess what.. (this will make you mad..) London’s Apple Store gets a LIVE stream of the event. Anyone good at hacking? hahah. Maybe we can high-jack the feed… But according to Apple and this quote it looks like that’s completely true:


“Hello Team,

As we begin to start a very exciting quarter in Apple Retail, I am pleased to let you know that our Covent Garden Store will be hosting a keynote streaming event next Tuesday 4th October. This event will be a press only event and currently we have no further details on what will be presented. The store will be closing at 3.30pm to accommodate this.

This is a really exciting event for our store and we are passionate about delivering an outstanding Covent Garden experience.”

But Whatever those Londinians(???) have to wait until 6PM their time… It’s coming up in a few ours over here! So stay tuned guys and for your view pleasure I have put together a gallery of the many different iPhone 5/4s Mockups we have been seeing the past year or so. Check back later for all the Specifications and details on the new iPhone!
