iPhone 4S Available October 14th. iOS 5 Launching OCTOBER 12th!!! “I’m really pleased to tell you today about the brand new iPhone 4S.”,”The most amazing iPhone yet.” They announced the 16GB iPhone 4S for $199 USD!! And the First 64GB iPhone. “Of course it starts with a Retina display, of course it’s glass on the back… but don’t be deceived, because inside it’s all new.”
So no big screen…. 🙁
Comes with the NEW A5 Chip. All in all I mean im not surprised by this. They put in better graphics, a better processor, and a better camera. What we all expected is coming with the new iPhone except everything we thought would be completely different. And yes, Sprint gets the iPhone… Woo hoo.
Along with many other countries… US, Canada, Australia, the UK, France, Germany, and Japan. In the US it’ll be Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint!
So thats all good and dandy, But serious where is the iPhone we wanted? Where is the Fresh Sleek update we’ve been ranting about??? “S” may as well stand for “.5” Cause thats all this is, iPhone 4.5. Kinda reminds you of the iPad 1.5 ( I mean iPad 2)… If Apple keeps up this business model I’m going to get angry! Haha I mean we all love Apple and everything but it gets soooo annoying when they build up all this hype and then…. crickets..
Some of the things I REALLY wanted to see in the new iPhone were:
- Bigger Screen
- Slick New design
- Flash ( I know it’s a long shot but HEY maybe a little Flash love with iOS 5)
- SD Card Slot
- Better compatibility with USB audio devices.
- 4G Coverage (DAMN that would have been SOOO cool. I’d jump ship on providers for that.)
- NFC (Mobile Payments with your phone at retailers.) I guess Google Wins this one!!!
They could have done SOOO much more but then I think about it, I’m not even due for an upgrade and I would be even more upset had they released something awesome that I would have to pay full price for and end up divorced / remarried to my new iPhone. So it’s good and bad. I mean hey think about it this way. Now Apple has a lot on their plate. When the “iPhone 5” is released, it better be game-changing! Same goes for the “iPad 3”. These devices not only HAVE to deliver but Apple will owe it to us in another year. The only other thing I am boggled by is how far off Apple’s normal routine product releases are now I mean everything is all staggered. (Which is good for YEAR ROUND WORLD DOMINATION INCOME.) But personally I like getting all my Apple news once a year. Whatever, the thing will sell. I’m sure a lot of people will drop their iPhone 4 tomorrow and Pre Order an iPhone 4s on Friday. Not I said the fly. I’m happy with it for now. But if they don’t release something at some point soon, as my upgrades near closer, I may loose all self control. (I know its stupid and WE ALL know I should wait, but I’m an addict.) Gotta have me a fix of Apple.
The Best part about all of this though, is that literally EVERYONE of all ages will have iPhones. While the Price for the base 16GB iPhone 4S is sitting at a pretty $199 USD. The iPhone 4 has now been reduced to $99 USD, and the iPhone 3GS is FREE, yeah I said it FREE. Suck it Android…. Haha so no one has an excuse NOT to have a nice iPhone. I do find it rather odd that the 3GS is still relevant though. But at the end of the day, Tim Cooks did a good job at the keynote today, and I’m sure many people are happy about the new launch. I just can’t wait until we get a complete product line refresh. I’ll have my upgrade, and I’ll be waiting…. Muahahahha!
Here are some details of everything that was covered at the KeyNote today Sorry its not all of them, I just grabbed small details and blogged it up…. (Courtesy of Engadget’s Live Blog)
“We’re looking at the Cards app, which lets you make your own greeting cards.
Real, honest to gosh cards. You pick the pic, Apple prints it out.
Apple will print it and even mail it automatically and you’ll even get a push notification for when the card is delivered.
$2.99 for a card in the US, $4.99 elsewhere in the world.
“Let’s talk about iOS 5.”
We’re looking at the top 10 features of iOS 5.
There’s notifications, visible from the top by swiping down — ala Android. No more annoying popups from Tiny Tower.
Then there’s iMessage — BBM for iOS, basically.
Pushed to all devices, so you can holla from your iPhone and get a shout back on your iPad
Twitter integration “we have integrated Twitter deeply into the OS.” No more signing in multiple times, and you can share pics right from Photos.
Newsstand – GQ, Allure, Vanity Fair, The New York Times… lots of periodical powerhouses.
“We’re making it really easy to get to the camera and take a photo.”.
And, you can use volume up to take a photo. Not a proper shutter release, but it’ll do.
Now Game Center, updated to add photos of friends, achievement points, friend recommendations…
Now Safari updates, talking about the reader function that strips out all the junk and pulls things into a single, readable page. “This works great on the iPad, it’s fantastic on the iPhone.” TABS ARE COMING TO SAFARI Mobile!
All of this information was courtesy of Engadget’s Live Blog right from the Live Keynote Event.
Check out the full list of features at http://www.engadget.com/2011/10/04/apples-lets-talk-iphone-keynote-liveblog/