Apple News, iPhone

iTether – FREE Tethering App for iPhone Approved and then Pulled from US App Store

So I just had notice minutes earleir that an App called iTether had been approved in the US App Store. This application is designed to allow free tethering of your iPhone to your computer. The App is from and here is a brief description from those guys, “Tether is an application that allows your Mac and PC to take advantage of your smartphone’s data plan, providing you access to the Internet on your laptop anywhere there is cellular coverage from your smartphone. ” Tether is easy to install, easy to use, works practically anywhere, and is very cost-effective. Comment here and let me know what you think about Apple and Carriers Governing our Data and internet browsing!

iTether requires HOST software on your PC or Mac in order to run. If you were one of the lucky ones to buy iTether for 14.99 you can download the software here:

To download the PC software visit:

To download the Mac software visit:



But literally right when I got the chance to go purchase the App it was PULLED from the US App Store. What a Shame!! So I guess no free tethering for us here in the good ole’ Free United States but I’m sure some of you readers from other countries are lovin this new app if you were bound by the shackles of the Cellular Man. Thanks guys

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