Jackbacks are pretty awesome! The only time it would ever be “cool” to get a splinter when answering your iPhone is when you have a sleek and solid wood iPhone back replacement from JackBacks. These things are so slick looking and honestly will blow you away with the quality. I was so excited I had to open mine long before I actually did this “unboxing”. Jackbacks start at 89.99 and you can order one at Jackbacks.com. If you enter the promo code MacMix, they will give you a sweet deal/discount on a Jackback of your choosing! They do custom wood etching on your Jackback and haev many different styles of wood.
They are the highest of quality and serious a GREAT idea/invention. We wish Jackbacks all the success in the world. Watch this video on my experience with Jackbacks, and how to install it. A Jackback will ive your phone a stylish custom look that NONE of your friends will have. Screw cases, the iPhone is to damn sexy to be cased.
Just spice things up with one of these! Overall I am EXTREMELY satisfied with my JackBack! It’s pretty cool and I get questions/compliments about it daily! Be sure to go check out their website. Click the banner on our homepage and enter the code “MacMix” to get a discount! Thanks guys!
Sorry for the video quality my other camera is down so I am using a Standard res cam.