Apple, Jailbreak News

Jailbreaking is more than just some “hack”. Actually it’s not even considered a hack since jailbreaking is totally legal. But that aside, the creators of MyGreatFest, the World’s first Jailbreaking convention have just announced the date and location for the 2012 event “JailbreakCon”.

This is pretty exciting news if your passionate about all things Jailbreak. There will be tons of speakers, workshops, hands-on events, and plenty of like-minded folks who enjoy a little Jailbreak just as much as yourself.

JailbreakCon will happen September 29th at the South San Francisco Conference Center in San Francisco, California. Granted it’s six months away, but some pretty interesting and founding members of the jailbreak society have already stepped up to be a part of this big upcoming event.

  • Saurik — founder and creator of Cydia
  • Carsten Heinelt — developer of jailbreak app iFile for iPhone
  • JayWalker — iOS hacker and ex-Chronic Dev Team member
  • Josh Tucker — writer, concept creator, and designer behind CallBar
  • iOPK — Chronic Dev Team
  • Ryan Petrich — developer of jailbreak tweaks like Activator and RetinaPad
  • NitoTV — known for his work on Apple TV jailbreak
  • AaronAsh — developer of jailbreak tweaks like Barrel and Multifl0w
  • P0sixninja — Chronic Dev Team
  • Austin Bradley — graphic designer and jailbreak themer
  • iH8Sn0w — iOS hacker and creator of jailbreaking tools like Sn0wBreeze and iFaith

You’ll be able to either listen to these individuals speak, or join them in some cool hands-on workshops involving Jailbreaking. Ticket prices are not available yet. Check back here or follow us on Facebook or Twitter for the latest news regarding JailbreakCon.

Who wants to go??

Source: JailbreakCon