App News

Angry Birds developer Rovio, is nearing release of a new kind of game. This time it looks like it’s centered around the bad guys pigs, the reason those birds are so angry…

According to Rovio, the new game will be released for iOS, Android, and Mac on September 27. Windows Phone, Windows 8 and PC versions will follow soon after.

Rovio’s CEO Mikael Hed explains the new game:

There’s a lot of empathy towards the lovable enemies from the Angry Birds games, and we’ve been constantly asked: what about the pigs’ side of the story? Bad Piggies gives you the chance to play as the second-most-loved characters in the Angry Birds universe, and explore this rich world through their green eyes.

Here’s the official teaser video:

I’m not entirely sure if this game will have the dynamics as the Angry Birds series, but it should be rather similar. Check out to find out more about the upcoming title. I’m a fan of anything Rovio releases and I think this game will be a hit amongst Angry Birds fans.

Source: Rovio