
We’ve heard this before. It’s happened with iPhones, iMacs, and now it looks like the new iPad has been having some color issues. This has actually been going on since its release, and the forum thread on Apple’s Support communities has been rapidly growing with over 43,000 views and 410 replies…

Certain new iPads owners have been reporting problems involving their new iPad’s “resolutionary” display exhibiting some yellow hue in comparison to other iPads or devices. This color difference is extremely noticeable when compared to another device, and I too would be angry if my new iPad looked like that as well. There are also other issues including dead pixels, and dark blotches.

One customers nightmare of an experience:

Ok, so I’m on my 13th iPad. In fairness, one of those was because I decided I wanted a different color, and another one i decided i wanted to upgrade to one with 4G. 3 were returned right away in the store (scratches, dark blotches behind the screen). A couple were super yellow, one had over a dozen dead pixels, and one even had the bottom half of the screen turn baby blue!

Customers disappointed about “yellow hue” issue:

I too am having the same issue. I couldn’t wait to get it out of the box and compare it to my son’s iPad 2. While I think the 3 is crisper looking, pages that should be clean white are washed out and yellow.

I just went to check out the 3rd Gen iPad they have on display from a nearby apple reseller and clearly my yellowish tinted iPad is defective. I am definitely going to return this to the store tomorrow and get my refund back.

Personally, I have yet to notice any type of yellow hue or tint on my new iPad, but even Cult of Mac reported having an issue involving the yellow discoloration:

I must say, it’s present on both of the new iPads we have in our house, though it’s not really noticeable unless you put the device alongside an iPad 2.

The good news is, if you have an iPad your unsatisfied with, take it into an Apple Store. Have them check it out. If there’s issues with your iPad, Apple will make good on it and replace it with a new one. While there are over 400 people weighing in on this issue, it’s a rather small number when you compare it to the three million sold in the first few days of the iPad’s release.

Have you had any issues with your new iPad?