iPhone, iPod touch

The rumor mill is fresh and flowing today with new iPhone news. This one comes from 9to5mac who claims a new iPhone prototype is internally seeded with old iPhone casing. The next generation iPhone is currently being tested using old iPhone 4S / 4 casing to throw off any “leaks”. But the new iPhone is expected to have a new design along with a different dock connector, and 4G LTE.

According the 9to5mac,

the iPhone prototypes that we’re talking about have a variation of the A5X’s S5L8945X architecture. Like the A5X-powered iPad, these new iPhone prototypes are packing 1GB of RAM. This prototype is labeled N96 internally, but we’re not sure if this internal codename will carry over to the actual next-generation iPhone. Again, this iPhone that we are describing is an internal-only unit built for testing the performance of a new chip in an iPhone, not an actual phone that Apple will produce.

This is all very exciting, but what about the iPod Touch? Apple hasn’t done anything with that device in quite some time. The iPod Touch is a very popular gaming device so it would only make sense that they give it a graphically enhance boost of some sort or even a faster processor… or both…

9to5mac got their hands on a screenshot of an internal iOS build which seems to leak some interesting information:

According to a file inside of an internal iOS 5.1 build, Apple is working on a fifth-generation iPod touch that is labeled iPod 5,1 internally. We haven’t heard any specifics regarding the new iPod touch hardware, but the jump from 4,1 (the current internal iPod touch label) to 5,1 indicates major internal changes, at the very least.

Either way, I can’t wait to see what Apple has planned for the rest of this year. According to the new iPad keynote, Apple was “Just getting started”. So hopefully we’ll see some groundbreaking and exciting releases at some point this year. I could honest care less if Apple changes the iPhone design. I kind of like the current design.

What do you think?